Welcome to Constellation

We are developing resources for individuals to help them improve their experience of working remotely. We believe that self management is at the heart of a healthy remote environment, and the more that employees are able to make informed choices based on their own knowledge, experience and personal preferences, the better they will perform for their company. To learn more, read our methodology and articles, or try one of our free tools.

Free – Remote Work Strategy Proposal

Many employees find themselves in a scenario where they are being asked to come back to work in a co-located office, when they would prefer to be working remotely. There are many good reasons that someone would want to continue or even start working from home, including health concerns, proven high levels of productivity, family demands, and long commutes being a few.

Once filled, the responses to this form will be populated into a well presented PDF that can supplement a request to work remotely.


“Technology cannot do more than extend the half-life of trust.” – Dr Oliver Gassmann

The Five Pillars of a Great Distributed Team

The workplace informs the way in which people collaborate, and the way in which teams are deployed to focus on specific tasks.

When moving to distributed work, should physical team structures automatically translate to a virtual replica of the workplace, or should they be built based off the inherent dynamics of the new network?